Extracurricular Activities
Last week the 250 Gates Scholars that are in Cambridge had an opportunity to elect new representatives to the Gates Scholar Council. Yesterday, they elected me to the office of Treasurer, for which I will serve a one-year term. I have high aspirations for my year of service. I plan to focus on making some improvements to the experience the incoming Gates Scholars have when they arrive in Cambridge, which in turn will hopefully only encourage scholars to recommend the scholarship to others – enhancing the pool of future global leaders and global agents of change who will apply for the Gates Scholarship. The responsibilities of my officership will not be too time consuming, but as always, I do plan to put my opportunity to good use by making some positive changes here.
Last night the Cambridge Union (CU) welcomed Her Royal Majesty Princess Michael of Kent to speak about her books (I think) -- The Serpent and the Moon: Two Rivals for the Love of a Renaissance King Elizabeth Stuart: Summer Princess, Winter Queen, a biography of Charles I’s sister, as well as her first historical novel on the life of Agnes Sorel: a 15th century murder mystery. She seemed like a good story teller, but because the topics of her stories just didn’t interest me, I didn’t stick around very long to listen to her.
On Thursday the CU will debate the proposed motion, "This House blames U.S. foreign policy for the terrorist threat." Immediately preceding the main debate, I will be debating (my first ever formal debate) in the student debate. The motion is titled, “This House would rather be at Oxford than St. John’s*.” A friend of mine was asked to fill-in for someone else, but he didn’t want to do the debate so I agreed to do it. It should be quite fun, since my entire argument centers around why Oxford sucks.
Next week, the German Ambassador to England will be speaking at the Union and I will be joining in for a drinks reception before hand.
In just two weeks, elections will be held at the CU. I am strongly considering running for Treasurer. The election process is quite fixed in favor of people who can get their friends to go vote for them, but I figure at the very least it might be fun to have an American shake things up a bit…
*St. John’s is one of the wealthiest and most prestigious colleges at Cambridge
This one’s of me with some other land economists at the Land Economy Society’s formal at Robinson College last week:

This picture shows a packed house at the Union for Jeremy Paxman -- an acclaimed interviewer for the BBC:
Last week the 250 Gates Scholars that are in Cambridge had an opportunity to elect new representatives to the Gates Scholar Council. Yesterday, they elected me to the office of Treasurer, for which I will serve a one-year term. I have high aspirations for my year of service. I plan to focus on making some improvements to the experience the incoming Gates Scholars have when they arrive in Cambridge, which in turn will hopefully only encourage scholars to recommend the scholarship to others – enhancing the pool of future global leaders and global agents of change who will apply for the Gates Scholarship. The responsibilities of my officership will not be too time consuming, but as always, I do plan to put my opportunity to good use by making some positive changes here.
Last night the Cambridge Union (CU) welcomed Her Royal Majesty Princess Michael of Kent to speak about her books (I think) -- The Serpent and the Moon: Two Rivals for the Love of a Renaissance King Elizabeth Stuart: Summer Princess, Winter Queen, a biography of Charles I’s sister, as well as her first historical novel on the life of Agnes Sorel: a 15th century murder mystery. She seemed like a good story teller, but because the topics of her stories just didn’t interest me, I didn’t stick around very long to listen to her.
On Thursday the CU will debate the proposed motion, "This House blames U.S. foreign policy for the terrorist threat." Immediately preceding the main debate, I will be debating (my first ever formal debate) in the student debate. The motion is titled, “This House would rather be at Oxford than St. John’s*.” A friend of mine was asked to fill-in for someone else, but he didn’t want to do the debate so I agreed to do it. It should be quite fun, since my entire argument centers around why Oxford sucks.
Next week, the German Ambassador to England will be speaking at the Union and I will be joining in for a drinks reception before hand.
In just two weeks, elections will be held at the CU. I am strongly considering running for Treasurer. The election process is quite fixed in favor of people who can get their friends to go vote for them, but I figure at the very least it might be fun to have an American shake things up a bit…
*St. John’s is one of the wealthiest and most prestigious colleges at Cambridge
This one’s of me with some other land economists at the Land Economy Society’s formal at Robinson College last week:

This picture shows a packed house at the Union for Jeremy Paxman -- an acclaimed interviewer for the BBC:

Wow, it's crazy to see how we can have such different experiences in a year...you're in the upper British society and I'm an average worker in China... Glad to see you're having such a good time!
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